PhilOsophy of Life

Setiap manusia mempunyai falsafah hidup. kita dihidupi oleh falsafah tersebut. kita juga dihidupi oleh impian kita, cita-cita kita dan sebagainnya. komitment dalam menjalani kehidupan juga salah satu mengapa kita terus hidup. there was a time, i was lepaking with my friends at food stall. we're sitting & cit chat. enjoying the scenario  of people. by listening to music, my mind was touch of every music & songs that blush my hearing. philosophy of life are the best option we had in our life. there much thing & stuff we need to fulfill in this life. we need to work, we need to eat, even spend money for life. just to live. aren't that interesting if u re-think about it? there's long journey for us as human being. everyone has their own reason to live. being nice to other, have a pleasant communication in much way. i just love to be human. eventually we have to die, this is be another story to tell. my friend told me, time will tell, but my question is,  are there enough time for us to tell what inner? are there still? but my answer, time couldn't tell much about life of human being. there too many of philosophy for time to tell. there much of ideology, opinion, stuff that occur to tell someone within the time, as time pass by, there goes the memory of life. many people tell me about life is philosophy. even the great psycologist said, "my way of life is not philosophy" ... then what ? what is life without philosophy? what is life without dream? for me, life is not about we living, life is not about we, to tell bed time story to our grandchildren. life is all about philosophy. about wisdom. about we love what we living now. it's more than a story tail to tell. :D 

one has philosophy in life, thus will success.. if we had experience good & better life before & after , i call it as great philosophy. Love wisdom, and u will experience loving urself, dont too fall deeply with human being emotion, as it's will drawn u from knowing the true of love- wisdom. 


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